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Thursday, January 24, 2008

First Milestone

Alhamdulillah, aku dah berjaya tamatkan kursus penyusuan Azri selama 6 bulan pertama.. It was yesterday! Congratulations to me! Ngeh ngeh ngeh.. Sengih sampai ke telinga bila aku tengok average cost yg aku belanjakan sepanjang 6 bulan ni.. dalam gedik2 dok baca buku When & What to Feed My Baby, aku still tak nampak sign Zeri ni ready for solid.. ke, mother instinct aku dah kaput? Hinnshh..

Menurut BabyCenter.Com ~ How will I know when my baby's ready?
Your baby will give you clear signs when he's ready to move beyond liquid-only nourishment. Cues to look for include:

  1. Head control. Your baby needs to be able to keep his head in a steady, upright position.
    Yep.. he's able to..

  2. Losing the "extrusion reflex." To keep solid food in his mouth and then swallow it, your baby needs to stop using his tongue to push food out of his mouth.
    Ni kalau dia dah kenyang EBM tu, nampak la dia tolak2 puting botol..

  3. Sitting well when supported. Even if he's not quite ready for a highchair, your baby needs to be able to sit upright to swallow well.
    He still not able to sit well.. Support atas pangku lain kes..

  4. Chewing motions. Your baby's mouth and tongue develop in sync with his digestive system. To start solids, he should be able to move food to the back of his mouth and swallow. As he learns to swallow efficiently, you may notice less drooling. He may also be teething around the same time.
    Pergh, sampai la ni meleleh je ayaq liuq.. kalau tengah meniarap, basah tikar weh!

  5. Significant weight gain. Most babies are ready to eat solids when they've doubled their birth weight (or weigh about 15 pounds) and are at least 4 months old.
    Double? Ntah2 dah triple weh! He's already 8.4kg masa 5mths..

  6. Growing appetite. He seems hungry - even with eight to ten feedings of breast milk or formula a day.
    Well, i believe he's in reverse cycling.. so, la ni mmg 4X4oz je sehari kat umah babysitter.. plus dia banyak main je pun..

  7. Curiosity about what you're eating. Your baby may begin eyeing your bowl of rice or reaching for a forkful of fettuccine as it travels from your plate to your mouth.
    Ni mmg ye.. last Tuesday, masa aku layan roti hemlet dari Pasar Malam Bangi (aku tak tau kenapa nama dia hemlet.. rupa gaya macam roti John je..) dia menjerit2.. siap ala2 hulur tangan mintak sket.. boleh?

So far, 2nd time aku nampak dia jerit2 ala2 mintak makan ni masa aku layan Carrot Slice Secret Recipe petang semalam.. time lain, serius takde.. Sooner or later, harus lepas ni kena keluarkan balik slow cooker aku yg dah lama bertapa dalam bilik stor tu..

p/s: Serius.. rasa sayang plak nak er, "cemarkan" perut dia dengan benda lain selain susu badan.. Sorry folks.. Aku tak tau perkataan apa lagi nak ditukarkan dengan "cemar" tu.. I dont mean food / solid is bad, OK..

p/ps : Za, Congratulations. Semoga selamat semuanya.. Aku sangat happy sebagai kawan hang OK?


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