You have to check out this CV. This guy posted his resume as an animated musical on the net and he really got hired by Microsoft Graphics team.
He received job offers from 180 companies; and more than 1,000,000 people viewed this CV...
Sila klik sini..

Nota kaki: Pengsan la nak blaja Flash la apa ke benda nak bikin CV lagu tu.. hua hua hua..
canggih nyah
gini punya cv tang2 tu dapat keja
huiyo. dasat seh. tapi agaknya kalau hantar cv macam ni kat gomen leh dapat tak? hihi.
itulah pasal.. ngeee..
apa kata hang try? pastu bagi verdict kat kami.. kekeke..
hishh.. mmg kreatif giller laaa... seharusnya la kerja dengan microsoft...
i ni cv biasa tu pon terkial2 nak buat :P
huhh...camni punya cv memang patut la berebut co. nak hire. giler kreatif!
very creative and 'think out of the box' kinda guy :D
mesti yahoo n google pon one of the company yg nak hire him kan
i lagi la.. print out yg jobstreet buatkan je.. hah aha..
cik ainie,
bestkah? saya kena balik umah baru bley dengar..
yep! sangat la kreatif.. tp Microsoft dah sambar dulu.. weee..
haaaaaaaahahahhaha comei dan klaka
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