Cari Something?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Churp Churp

Tempoh hari aku menggedik mengarang surat, eh, email kepada ChurpChurp.. Twitterer tegar tau lah apa ke benda alah ChurpChurp ni.. (gila malas nak buat backlink)..

Apa aku tulis? benda remeh je..


I hope Tweets menu page can be displayed in descending mode (latest ads to be tweeted on top) instead of current listing where we have to scroll down to view the latest assignment.

Thank you.

Kekeke.. 5 jam kemudian, Jacqueline reply.. katanya

Hi CY4.0,

Thanks for this feedback. We appreciate this and we are taking this into consideration for future improvement.

Much thanks!
User Relations Department

Lepas tu aku tak amik pot dah.. tau2 hari ni ada assignment, wahlau weii.. sudah diperkenankan kaedahnya.. weee..

Terima kasih lah atas er, keprihatinan ChurpChurp.. ikutkan assignment aku berapa kerat je.. tapi kemalasan menscroll down telah memaksa aku menulis email :P


knv said...

sumpah mak tak paham! heeeeeeeeeee :P

maya amir said...

betulll..mak pun tak paham (aku yg ade twitter tapi tak reti nak guna boleyy))

MS said...

mak pun tak faham

hang dapat asignment dari chup chup ke

cysev3n said...

ladies, kan mak dah bubuh disclaimer : pentwitter tegar je yang paham. Heee